

This portal was (is) at the service of those who are interested in how cultural life - cultural activities and products - are being financed and administered in east-central European countries.

For more go to About - or Rólunk in Hungarian.

Our main communication tool was the monthly newsletter between 1999 and 2018. See the last Memo here.


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  • Being an Observatory, we want to observe (present, interpret, compare and analyse) facts and processes.
  • We are looking for what is common and what is different in the countries between the Baltic and the Adriatic Seas.
  • We want to be as practical as possible - this explains the simplicity of our site, too. We hope to save on your telecom bill by omitting fancy images.
  • We hope to be consulted at decision making, pro and con: to provide references from other countries in order to help good measures and halt bad ones.
  • We want to remain within the broadly defined domain of "financing culture". Broadly, in the sense to make excursions into policy, law, management etc. Broad, too, is our definition of culture.
  • We are not advocating methods, priorities or policies. We are not promoting artists or projects. We cannot get you money.
  • We are not an academic institution although we want to be a reliable source for researchers. (And interesting for common folks, too.)
  • We do not build huge data-banks but want to find relevant points and information which one can absorb without being lost in the sea of statistics.
  • We will not get far without your contributions.
  • This is not an astronomical website.